Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Since I am completely failing at regularly updating my blog, I will do a big post again for the whole month of October/November...Hopefully I can get my act together for the Holiday season and heading into the new year!

The month started with a 1st birthday party for a very special little girl...My niece Alexis turned one on the 7th!! As usual Lexi was freaking adorable and she was so good, considering there were like 30 some people there all wanting to hold her and take pictures of her...I of course was one of them!

Here's a pic of the beautiful cake...

And here's pic of mom and Lexi enjoying her cake!

I have to say how lucky I feel to be a part of this little girls life...She honestly melts my heart every time I see her...I love being an auntie :-) Happy 1st Birthday again Alexis!

This year was the first Canadican (Canadian/American) Thanksgiving! Haha, that's the best name Jason and I could come up with...I spent the Canadian Thanksgiving in NY this year...Who would have thought that one day I would have to distinguish between Canadian and American holidays! Ahh the things a girl will do in the name of love...It was really good...I got to see J and because of my amazing American family I got turkey :-) Grandpa got all of the fall/Thanksgiving decorations out and MomR, Jess and I prepared the feast...

J and I before the feast...

The cooks and Brandon...

Otherwise the trip was pretty low key...The one night Jason and I went for dinner at TGI Fridays...Let me just say mmmmmmm Jack Daniels BBQ sauce is freakin delicious! When we got back to J's after dinner two of his great aunt's and his cousin were there, which was a treat for me as I have only met them one other time...They told stories from "the good ole days" and disagreed about the "facts" of various stories...It was hilarious! As always leaving is not easy and I am a Debbie Downer for a good week or two after, but eventually things get back to "normal"..

The only other big event in October was of course Halloween...I dressed up again this year at work and when we took Ben and Becca out trick-or-treating...I was a beat up hockey player this year, the "black" eye I gave (make-up) myself was so believable that people at work actually thought I got into a fight until they saw the jersey...

Here's my costume minus the black eye...

And here is Becca as an angel and Ben as Scooby Doo:

November was a pretty quiet month...

November 18th was a special day...It was Jason's Birthday! And to me the day he was born is a very special day and should be heavily celebrated! I hated not being able to be there with him this year, but hopefully that's the last year we will celebrate his bday apart...Happy Birthday again J, love you!

My mom came to visit from the 18th to the 22nd and we celebrated our Christmas with Rob, Sandy and the kids! It was a good weekend, we took mom to watch Ben play hockey, which we will never do again cause she's even more crazy that Sandy and mom taught me how to make her amazing cinnamon buns mmmm! Jason and I got spoiled :-) My mom got us an amazing stainless steel pot/pan set, so I love being in the kitchen even more and trust me Jason will thoroughly enjoy this present when he's here! She also got me a fantastic vacuum that picks up all of Donte's hair and a new microwave cause I had been living without one for months! You don't realize how much you use a microwave until don't have one!

The last event in November for me was the Arthur Santa Clause Parade! Rob and Sandy had Sandy's Christmas party, so I took Ben and Becca to the big event...It was cute and they were so excited...The were also so polite, they waved and wished everyone a Merry Christmas...That's right I made sure they used proper parade etiquette!

Here's the kids waiting for the parade to start:

They got tons of candy and after the parade we got Tim's hot chocolate...it was super cute to see them drinking out of a small Tim Horton's coffee cup with straws :-)

So I think thats it for now...I am really really going to try and keep this updated...