Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good weekend, with good friends!

So for the first time in a while I had an eventful weekend...Sorry this doesn't happen more often, but I warned you I live a quiet and often boring life...

Friday I met my friend Stacey for dinner after work...I can't remember if I have mentioned Stacey previously or not (I did a quick scan of previous posts and I don't see her there, if I did I apologize for the repeat)...Stacey and I met either second term first year of university or first term second year...We had similar schedules both being PoliSci majors and since neither of us are complete nerds we got along really well! After we graduated we kinda lost touch, Stacey moved away to go to school and I was here doing the working thing, but she has since moved back to K-W and recently we have been making a point of getting together regularly...I love getting together with her cause shes fun, we can talk about anything and everything for hours and we are in similar places in life...We had a fantastic dinner at Ben Thanh in Waterloo and it was a great start to my weekend!

Saturday, I unfortunately had to work during the day...I don't necessarily like working weekends, but I love when the overtime pay comes in :-)...

Saturday evening I had a stag & doe to attend for a couple of friends here in Kitchener...Mark and Kristan are friends of mine through Justine and Sean and they are getting married at the end of July!!! Jason didn't know what this was, so for my American family, a stag & doe is basically a party thrown for to be bride and groom to help raise money for them for wedding expenses, people play games, buy raffle tickets etc. ...It was really fun and it was nice to see the happy couple and celebrate something with them as I missed their shower and I am missing the wedding :-(...It was also nice cause I got to spend time with Justine and Sean and other friends that I haven't seen in a while...The only sad part was that Jason wasn't there to enjoy it with me...Apparently I wasn't the only one missing J, here's a little convo between the groom and myself...

Mark: Vivian, thanks for coming...Where's Jason?
Me: Jason had to work, so he couldn't make it, but he said to say "hi"...
Mark: ohhh, well I wish he was here cause I love that guy, I mean I like you, but I love him!
Me: Thanks Mark!

haha...I can't take it personally cause I love that guy too and I can't blame others for feeling the same way!!!

Sunday I woke up feeling rough...I used to be a night owl, so being out til 2 or 3 am and sleeping in the next day never used to throw me off, but now it totally ruins me...I woke up Sunday morning around 10 dead tired and feeling hung over, but I had only had one beer at about 8:30 the night before, so I knew I wasn't hung over, so I have to blame it on the sleeping past 9!!! Feeling so crappy, I skipped church...shhh don't tell Father Sheridan as I am still trying to get confirmed...I went and got myself a lovely XL Dbl Dbl and an everything bagel, then got ready and headed out to Rob and Sandy's...

Sunday, as I have said numerous times, is my favorite day of the week...I get to spend a majority of the day with my favorite people! But it has become even more special as we have started a new Little (haha, I crack myself up) tradition...I have been putting Ben and Becca to bed for past few weeks now...I love it!!! Yes it can be a bit trying as they are tired and their listening skills are almost gone by this point in the day, but once pj's are on, teeth are brushed and they have picked out their stories, I am in pure Auntie heaven :-D...The three of us curl up on the bottom bunk of Ben's bed, I read them stories, the three of us giggle at the funny parts and the kids laugh at my attempt at fun voices...Then I get to tuck them in, hear their favorite part of the day and kiss them good night...The best is to hear them say their favorite part of the day was me coming over...It doesn't get much better!

That's it for now, I will update you again soon!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pet peeve...

I don't have many pet peeves and I can't even name a handful of mine for you at this time, but this weekend made me realize one of my biggest! People who drive UNDER the speed limit!!!

I have been known to be a bit of a speeder when it comes to driving, however I would like to state for the record, I have only gotten 1 ticket and I was only going 104 in a 90 (for my American family that's in km, which would be 64 in a 55)...I would also like to state, in recent years since getting my new car I have calmed down on the speeding and try to follow the "standard" over the limit speeding...

On Sunday while driving out to Rob and Sandy's I got stuck behind a little old lady driving 60 (in an 80), I knew she was old cause I couldn't see her head over the headrest, but I could see her gray hair in the mirror! Now as soon as I notice it's a little old lady I slow right down and drop about three car lengths back and settle in cause I know its going to be a long drive...The road is busy and there are tons of hills, so I know I am not passing anytime soon...Well, grandma decides she's going to do the "smart" thing and pull over so I can pass her, but she didn't pull off far enough and half of her car was still on the road, so I still had to wait for the oncoming traffic to pass, so I could pass her...I hope the old lady made it where ever she was going and stayed there cause I don't think she should be out driving around by herself...

I thought my drive home would be better, it was 10pm, so I figured it would be a quick drive as not many people would be on the road...I was wrong! I got stuck behind a car going threw Elmira doing 40!!! 40!!! I couldn't pass them the whole way...I was so mad I completely tail gated them (yes I am admitting to breaking the law)...I even considered flashing my brights because when the speed limit increased to 60, they were still going 40!

I have no issues with people following the speed limit...I do wish everyone drove 10 over, but if you decide to be a good law abiding citizen, more power to you! Just please don't drive under the speed limit...It causes so many people (me) so many frustrations!