Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mid week rush...

Last night I was lucky enough to have dinner with one of my closest friends Justine, her hubby Sean and their adorable baby girl Alexis...Dinner was delicious, as usual (Justine is a great hostess :-)) and the company was fantastic...I hadn't had a good visit with all 3 of them in a long time, so we had lots to catch up on and I got to get in lots of cuddles with Lexi...Of course the down side of seeing such a gorgeous baby is that it makes me want babies...NOW! I am not one of those people that seeing/watching babies can be a form of birth control for, I know what I want and I want me some little mocha babies!

Today has been crazy and I feel like I am rushing around not really getting anywhere...I felt very unorganized and swamped at work and that feeling has came home with me...I spent a couple hours after work running around picking the last few things up that I needed for the trip and I had to get bags and paper for a couple overdue Christmas presents and a couple belated birthday presents that will be making the
trip up north...I now have the joy of finishing my packing to leave for Bruce Mines on Friday morning...I am heading out to Alma tomorrow after work and then Rob, Sandy, Ben, Becca and myself will be making the big road trip, convoy style, on Friday morning! I am extremely excited for this trip as I haven't seen any of my family or friends from up north since Thanksgiving...I know that seems crazy, but my time and vacation gets split between Bruce Mines and New York...

I have to wish a belated birthday to the friend I have had the longest in my life...
Happy Birthday Heather!!! My Heather turned another year older on Monday!!! Heather is not only one of my best friends she also happens to be family, so we have an extremely unique bond...we have literally been friends since Heather was born!!! I don't have a childhood memory that doesn't have her in it and I feel very fortunate to have her in my life!

I also have to say a BIG BIG CONGRATS to my sister Sandy....she is officially getting a pay cheque after 6 and a half years of having the hardest unpaid job in the world...stay at home mom! I am so happy and proud of her for not giving up on what she wanted!

If I can't get back on before I leave on Friday...I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and enjoy the long weekend!

Monday, March 29, 2010

A regular weekend...

So this weekend I tried really hard to work on my blog and make it prettier, however after much frustration with different blog applications it remains a work in progress...I am tempted to put a big "under construction" sign across it!

Saturday was fairly boring, but I managed to get lots of things shopping, laundry, cleaned the apartment and did some little errands that needed to get done...Trying very hard to get prepaid to head up to Bruce on Friday for Easter!!!

Sunday, is usually the high-light of my week and most often the most eventful day of my week!

I got up much too early for a Sunday and got my butt ready for Church...for those of you who don't know I have started the process to become Catholic...This commenced almost 2 months ago when I began church shopping to find a Catholic Church in K-W that would make me and eventually Jason happy...After visiting about 6 or 7 Churches close to me I decided that I would become a member of Our Lady of Lourdes! I got in contact with the parish just this past week and I will have my first meeting with Father Sheridan after Easter woohoo! Sunday was a great service, Father Sheridan cracked a few jokes like always, but not being a member of a Church for a long time I forgot that Sunday was Palm Sunday...let's just say it was a great, but long mass...

After mass I made my way out to Alma to spend the rest of my Sunday with my Littles...It was so good to see them...It had been 3 weeks since I saw them last and it was WAY too long...Rob and Sandy had errands to run so I got a good couple hours of Auntie Viv/Ben/Becca time! Which is pretty much my favorite time :-) I got my butt kicked Ben in a very intense game of basement floor hockey (he beat me 15 - 6, sad I know!) then Becca beat me at her Littlest Pet Shop board game...apparently not my best game day...Rob and Sandy made a full turkey dinner with all the fixings for Sunday night dinner, which was freaking fantastic and I got left overs!!!

Whenever Sandy and I get together its usually a bit of gab fest, but let us not see each other for 3 weeks and its a total gab fest to the point where my throat hurts a little today! Sandy and I basically played catch up on what we have missed in the past couple weeks (I was in NY and then we were all sick, so we missed a couple family dinners)...Not that we haven't spoke in 3 weeks, but phone and email are never the same as in person...I am not sure how Rob doesn't have a headache the next day listening to us b*tch, talk and laugh for several hours...We also watched New Moon and in case there is any question I am Team Lautner :-)...

I am really looking forward to two short work weeks, this morning was very rough getting up to go to work...

Hope you all have a great Monday and I will try and post again really soon!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My first post!!!

It's official, I am a blogger...I have decided to create this blog as a way for my family and friends to stay informed about what's going on in my life as I don't get to see or talk to most of you nearly enough...I am not promising that it will be the most exciting blog as my life at this point is pretty mellow, however in the next few years I foresee some very exciting posts about a huge ass ring, a wedding, house hunting/buying, babies etc...I also think its a great place for me to vent my daily frustrations with society!

To get everyone on the same page...

I graduated from the University of Waterloo with a BA in Political Science in 2006 and a few months after that I started working for Manulife Financial in Waterloo...My career progression has not been what I thought my BA in polisci would get me, but its a great company and I am happy with my current position...

In 2004 I met Jason, who is not only the best thing that ever happened to me, but the love of my life (thanks again Stace for the hook-up) and since 2005 we have been proving all relationship theories wrong...long-distance
can work (Jason is a born and raised New Yorker) and absence really does make the heart grow fonder (we only see each other once every couple months)!

Jason and I adopted a cat that we named Donte in late 2008...Donte is my daily amusement and often my daily frustration...He is not your average cat...Jason swears he doesn't know he's a cat, but thinks he is human and I am convinced he has feline ADHD with a touch of multiple personality disorder!

I have some pretty amazing friends in K-W (and else where) and you will hear about them in due time, but I have very limited family...My brother Rob, his wife Sandy and their kids Benjamin and Rebecca are the only relatives I have within the 519 area code, so they are a huge part of my life...We do Sunday family dinners that started back when I was a starving student and thankfully we haven't canceled this weekly tradition, so you will see these names frequently!

Now that we are all caught up...tomorrow is Friday, it's dress down day in my office and I don't have to work OT this weekend...big WOOHOO!!! I promise to put in some time on my blog this weekend so it's all sexy for you and if you promise to bear with me while I figure out this whole blogging thing I think we will have a beautiful blogging relationship!

Until next time...